Ma paroisse est au Québec, où beaucoup d'églises sont fermées. J'avais une coloc qui était dans la vingtaine. Un jour, elle est allée à l'église pour des funérailles. C'était seulement sa deuxième fois (dans toute sa vie!) dans une église.
Ma coloc avait pensé que l'église était seulement pour les personnes conservatrices et hété seulement pour les enfants qui sont toujours sages et tranquilles. Elle avait peur de l'église parce qu'elle ne savait pas quoi y faire.
Dans notre église, il y a souvent des événements pour toute la communauté. Des spectacles, des cours de yoga, des leçons de musique, un magasin d'occasion...
On voulait accueillir nos visiteurs et communiquer que l'église est toujours ouverte. Nous avons donc créé cette affiche. C'est un message d'accueil pour toute la communauté! Nous avons créé un message spécial pour les enfants et leurs familles sur l'affiche.
Nous l'avons imprimée sur le papier 11x17 et nous avons plastifié les affiches.
Si vous voulez le fichier pour créer une affiche pour votre paroisse, faîtes-moi le savoir dans les commentaires.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
A Play Area
For a couple of years now, I've been looking at beautiful photos of children's church spaces. Many churches have set aside space in the sanctuary for children. This allows children to follow the worship service, but also to quietly play together.
When I thought about creating one of these areas, I felt overwhelmed. It looked really hard! This summer, I finally did get a start in it. It was much easier than it looked.
These are the things I added...
1. We started with colouring clipboards and some faith-based books. These were simple, faith based activities.
2. There were some gorgeous stickers at the dollar store. They were added to the space!
3. I saw some duplo (safe for little hands) and a wooden car at Value Village.
4. The duplo was really loud on the hard wood floor. I found a bright mat to make it a quiet activity. Bonus - the space looked more appealing and it was comfier for the kids.
5. Jesus The Sheep came to live in the space.
I wish that I had tried this years ago! Our children's space is not fancy, but it is working very well. The children love it.
When I thought about creating one of these areas, I felt overwhelmed. It looked really hard! This summer, I finally did get a start in it. It was much easier than it looked.
These are the things I added...
1. We started with colouring clipboards and some faith-based books. These were simple, faith based activities.
2. There were some gorgeous stickers at the dollar store. They were added to the space!
3. I saw some duplo (safe for little hands) and a wooden car at Value Village.
4. The duplo was really loud on the hard wood floor. I found a bright mat to make it a quiet activity. Bonus - the space looked more appealing and it was comfier for the kids.
5. Jesus The Sheep came to live in the space.
I wish that I had tried this years ago! Our children's space is not fancy, but it is working very well. The children love it.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Des Chansons chrétiennes - sur YouTube
La plupart des enfants aiment bien chanter!
Pourquoi chanter des chansons chrétiennes avec votre enfant?
Pour chanter en famille, avec Youtube, on n'a pas besoin d'une maman ou un papa qui joue au piano. Commencer à chanter, c'est simple!
Pourtant, la qualité de chansons chrétiennes en français sur YouTube est mixte.
Voici quelques chansons fantastiques pour chanter en famille ou à l'église!
Le message de cette chanson est que l'amour de Dieu est grand. Dieu nous aime toujours. C'est une message que chaque enfant (et chaque adulte) a besoin d'entendre.
La chanson est assez "catchy"! Les actions sont amusantes.
Voici une chanson de louage à Dieu. Les paroles sont sur l'écran.
Les enfants dans la chanson font des bruits de percussion. C'est cool!
Voici une version chantée de la prière du Seigneur. C'est beaucoup plus facile à apprendre les mots pour cette prière en les chantant.
Cette chanson décrit comment des animaux différents peuvent louer Dieu. C'est une chanson créative et avec beaucoup d'imagination! Le message: Dieu nous a tous créées!
Cette chanson est pour louer Dieu! La plupart est en français, avec un peu d'anglais à la fin. La vidéo est de très bonne qualité en réalisation. La chanson est joyeuse.
Pour enfants et paroisses anglophones
Est-ce que votre famille est anglophone ou bilingue?
Est-ce que votre paroisse est une paroisse anglophone qui aimerait parler plus souvent en français?
Voici quelques chansons en français qui sont des traductions des chansons chrétiennes bien connues en anglais. Elles sont faciles à chanter pour des anglophones qui aimeraient chanter en français
Une traduction de "This Little Light of Mine." Si vous recherchez la chanson en anglais, vous allez trouvez des actions pour faire avec la chanson.
Cette chanson est un mélange de "Jesus Loves Me" et "Old MacDonald had a farm." C'est facile à chanter et c'est une chanson amusante!
Les paroles sont sur l'écran, ce qui rend la chanson encore plus facile à chanter. Les images derrière les paroles sont un peu trop cute pour mon goût.
Cette chanson est une traduction de la chanson "Jesus Loves Me".
Cette chanson est une traduction de "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands." Elle me donne l'envie de danser! La vidéo est bien réalisée. Si vous recherchez la version en anglais de la chanson, vous allez trouver les actions pour accompagner la chanson.
Pourquoi chanter des chansons chrétiennes avec votre enfant?
- C'est amusant! On peut chanter, danser....
- C'est une façon très simple d'enseigner la foi chrétienne.
- Quand on chante les chansons chrétiennes souvent, elle nous devient plus familières. On créé de bons souvenirs.
- La musique reste dans nos têtes. Un jour, quand votre enfant est triste ou déçu, il peut chanter que quand il est "en train de sourire, en train de pleurer...Dieu me regarde, et il m'aime comme ça!"
Pour chanter en famille, avec Youtube, on n'a pas besoin d'une maman ou un papa qui joue au piano. Commencer à chanter, c'est simple!
Pourtant, la qualité de chansons chrétiennes en français sur YouTube est mixte.
Voici quelques chansons fantastiques pour chanter en famille ou à l'église!
Grand comme ça!
Le message de cette chanson est que l'amour de Dieu est grand. Dieu nous aime toujours. C'est une message que chaque enfant (et chaque adulte) a besoin d'entendre.
La chanson est assez "catchy"! Les actions sont amusantes.
Je veux te louer
Voici une chanson de louage à Dieu. Les paroles sont sur l'écran.
Les enfants dans la chanson font des bruits de percussion. C'est cool!
Notre Père
Voici une version chantée de la prière du Seigneur. C'est beaucoup plus facile à apprendre les mots pour cette prière en les chantant.
Si j'était un papillon
Cette chanson décrit comment des animaux différents peuvent louer Dieu. C'est une chanson créative et avec beaucoup d'imagination! Le message: Dieu nous a tous créées!
Je te louerai
Cette chanson est pour louer Dieu! La plupart est en français, avec un peu d'anglais à la fin. La vidéo est de très bonne qualité en réalisation. La chanson est joyeuse.
Pour enfants et paroisses anglophones
Est-ce que votre famille est anglophone ou bilingue?
Est-ce que votre paroisse est une paroisse anglophone qui aimerait parler plus souvent en français?
Voici quelques chansons en français qui sont des traductions des chansons chrétiennes bien connues en anglais. Elles sont faciles à chanter pour des anglophones qui aimeraient chanter en français
Ma petite lumière
Une traduction de "This Little Light of Mine." Si vous recherchez la chanson en anglais, vous allez trouvez des actions pour faire avec la chanson.
Jésus m'aime
Cette chanson est un mélange de "Jesus Loves Me" et "Old MacDonald had a farm." C'est facile à chanter et c'est une chanson amusante!
Les paroles sont sur l'écran, ce qui rend la chanson encore plus facile à chanter. Les images derrière les paroles sont un peu trop cute pour mon goût.
Jésus m'aime
Cette chanson est une traduction de la chanson "Jesus Loves Me".
Il tient le monde entier dans ses mains
Cette chanson est une traduction de "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands." Elle me donne l'envie de danser! La vidéo est bien réalisée. Si vous recherchez la version en anglais de la chanson, vous allez trouver les actions pour accompagner la chanson.
Livre de la semaine: "La Bible pour les petits"
Titre: La Bible pour les petits
Auteur: Maïte Roche
Illustrateur: Maïte Roche
Voici l'extérieur du livre...
Les images dans ce livre sont magnifiques. J'ai passé beaucoup de temps à les regarder!
Les mots sont tout simples et bien choisis. Les histoires sont courtes - parfaites pour les tout-petits à l'église ou à la maison.
Ma copie est un livre en carton. Même un bébé peut le regarder sans déchirer les pages.
C'est assez difficile de raconter, avec seulement 15 histoires, l'arc narratif de la Bible. Je crois que Maïte Roche a bien choisi ses histoires. Si on veut plus d'histoires à propos de Jésus, elle a aussi un autre livre: L'Évangile pour les petitsévangile-pour-les-petits-l'-n-éd/roche-maïte/9782728919222/?id=1459013&cat=
Est-ce qu'il y a des choses que je n'aime pas?
Presque chaque personne dans les desseins a la peau blanche.
Où est-ce qu'on peut acheter ce livre?
J'ai acheté ma copie au magasin de la Société Biblique de Québec. Si vous préférez, vous pouvez aussi l'acheter sur internet.éd/roche-maïte/9782728918485/?id=1405469&cat=
Auteur: Maïte Roche
Illustrateur: Maïte Roche
Voici l'extérieur du livre...
Voici l'intérieur du livre...
Qu'est-ce que j'aime dans le livre?
Les images dans ce livre sont magnifiques. J'ai passé beaucoup de temps à les regarder!
Les mots sont tout simples et bien choisis. Les histoires sont courtes - parfaites pour les tout-petits à l'église ou à la maison.
Ma copie est un livre en carton. Même un bébé peut le regarder sans déchirer les pages.
C'est assez difficile de raconter, avec seulement 15 histoires, l'arc narratif de la Bible. Je crois que Maïte Roche a bien choisi ses histoires. Si on veut plus d'histoires à propos de Jésus, elle a aussi un autre livre: L'Évangile pour les petitsévangile-pour-les-petits-l'-n-éd/roche-maïte/9782728919222/?id=1459013&cat=
Est-ce qu'il y a des choses que je n'aime pas?
Presque chaque personne dans les desseins a la peau blanche.
Où est-ce qu'on peut acheter ce livre?
J'ai acheté ma copie au magasin de la Société Biblique de Québec. Si vous préférez, vous pouvez aussi l'acheter sur internet.éd/roche-maïte/9782728918485/?id=1405469&cat=
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Book of the Week: "When God Made You"
Title: "When God Made You"
Author: Matthew Paul Turner
Illustrator: David Catrow
What does it look like outside?
What do I like about it?
The book has an important message to each child: You are created by God.
I like the beautiful illustrations and the beautiful words (with rhyme and rhythm.) I think that God's amazing creation is well celebrated in this book.
The children at our church enjoyed the pictures and the message.
We have been purposely looking for books with more diverse characters. We appreciated this book for that reason.
Are there any drawbacks?
I was reading to a younger audience (aged 2-8) and found that some of the words were very tricky. As a book with few words and many pictures, it looks like a book for younger kids. However, in many cases there was a strong focus on beauty of language. This was good, but in some cases a much simpler word would have sufficed. Some of the younger kids lost attention since they couldn't understand what the book was about.
Where can it be purchased?
Author: Matthew Paul Turner
Illustrator: David Catrow
What does it look like outside?
What does it look like inside?
The book has an important message to each child: You are created by God.
I like the beautiful illustrations and the beautiful words (with rhyme and rhythm.) I think that God's amazing creation is well celebrated in this book.
The children at our church enjoyed the pictures and the message.
We have been purposely looking for books with more diverse characters. We appreciated this book for that reason.
Are there any drawbacks?
I was reading to a younger audience (aged 2-8) and found that some of the words were very tricky. As a book with few words and many pictures, it looks like a book for younger kids. However, in many cases there was a strong focus on beauty of language. This was good, but in some cases a much simpler word would have sufficed. Some of the younger kids lost attention since they couldn't understand what the book was about.
Where can it be purchased?
Most Christian or secular bookstores. In Canada, you can order online at .
Book trailer at:
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Livre de la semaine: "Coloriages de la Bible"
Titre: "Coloriages de la Bible: De la Création aux Prophètes"
Auteur et illustratrice: Maïte Roche
Voici l'extérieur du livre...
Les coloriages sont magnifiques! Chaque page contient une citation de la Bible, ainsi qu'une image pour l'accompagner. Les images sont intéressantes et belles. Nous avons même coupé les images coloriées par les enfants pour décorer l'église.
Si vous cherchez sur Google, vous allez trouver très peu de coloriages chrétiens en français. Ce livre de coloriages est donc assez spécial.
Nous offrons les coloriages aux enfants pendant les célébrations liturgiques. Le livre pourrait également être colorié à la maison. On pourrait raconter à un enfant un récit de la Bible, et ensuite colorier la page qui l'illustre
Est-ce qu'il y a des choses que je n'aime pas?
Normalement, j'imprime les coloriages pour offrir aux enfants de l'église. J'aurais préféré acheter un PDF avec les coloriages. J'aurais donc pu imprimer le nombre qu'il me fallait.
Où est-ce qu'on peut l'acheter?
On peut trouver ce livre chez Chapters ou Amazon. C'est aussi disponible chez Archambault:ïte/9782362360022/?id=1155216&cat=
J'ai tant aimé ce livre que j'ai commandé des autres livres de Maïte Roche!
Coloriages pour attendre Jésusésus/roche-maïte/9782728919383/?id=1602705&cat=
Coloriages de Pâquesâques/roche-maite/9782728915071/?id=1245398&cat=
Coloriages de Noëlël/roche-maite/9782362360077/?id=1209400&cat=
Coloriages de la vie de Jésusésus/roche-maite/9782362360060/?id=1155217&cat=
Auteur et illustratrice: Maïte Roche
Voici l'extérieur du livre...
Voici l'intérieur du livre...
Qu'est-ce que j'aime dans le livre?
Les coloriages sont magnifiques! Chaque page contient une citation de la Bible, ainsi qu'une image pour l'accompagner. Les images sont intéressantes et belles. Nous avons même coupé les images coloriées par les enfants pour décorer l'église.
Si vous cherchez sur Google, vous allez trouver très peu de coloriages chrétiens en français. Ce livre de coloriages est donc assez spécial.
Nous offrons les coloriages aux enfants pendant les célébrations liturgiques. Le livre pourrait également être colorié à la maison. On pourrait raconter à un enfant un récit de la Bible, et ensuite colorier la page qui l'illustre
Est-ce qu'il y a des choses que je n'aime pas?
Normalement, j'imprime les coloriages pour offrir aux enfants de l'église. J'aurais préféré acheter un PDF avec les coloriages. J'aurais donc pu imprimer le nombre qu'il me fallait.
Où est-ce qu'on peut l'acheter?
On peut trouver ce livre chez Chapters ou Amazon. C'est aussi disponible chez Archambault:ïte/9782362360022/?id=1155216&cat=
J'ai tant aimé ce livre que j'ai commandé des autres livres de Maïte Roche!
Coloriages pour attendre Jésusésus/roche-maïte/9782728919383/?id=1602705&cat=
Coloriages de Pâquesâques/roche-maite/9782728915071/?id=1245398&cat=
Coloriages de Noëlël/roche-maite/9782362360077/?id=1209400&cat=
Coloriages de la vie de Jésusésus/roche-maite/9782362360060/?id=1155217&cat=
Monday, September 9, 2019
Birthday Books
At our church, we recently started a new tradition: Birthday Books!
It began when the church council agreed to set aside some money to buy each child a book for his or her birthday. Next, I contacted parents to ask them if they would share their child's birthday with me. I explained that the church wanted to celebrate their child's birthday by singing a special birthday song and giving the child a birthday gift of a children's Bible storybook.
I made a list of all the birthdays and set reminders in my agenda. Next, I started thinking of which book would best fit each child. I thought about a child's first language, their personality, and what books they might already have at home. Once I had chosen the books, I ordered them online so that they would be ready in time. I ordered some nice cards so that I wouldn't be running out to buy cards at the last minute.
As each child's birthday has been approaching, I have written them a card. The card wishes the child a Happy Birthday, gives a blessing from the church and shares about God's love for the child. Sometimes, the birthday card is a chance to point out spiritual gifts that I or the church have seen growing in the child. We are celebrating this child!
It began when the church council agreed to set aside some money to buy each child a book for his or her birthday. Next, I contacted parents to ask them if they would share their child's birthday with me. I explained that the church wanted to celebrate their child's birthday by singing a special birthday song and giving the child a birthday gift of a children's Bible storybook.
I made a list of all the birthdays and set reminders in my agenda. Next, I started thinking of which book would best fit each child. I thought about a child's first language, their personality, and what books they might already have at home. Once I had chosen the books, I ordered them online so that they would be ready in time. I ordered some nice cards so that I wouldn't be running out to buy cards at the last minute.
As each child's birthday has been approaching, I have written them a card. The card wishes the child a Happy Birthday, gives a blessing from the church and shares about God's love for the child. Sometimes, the birthday card is a chance to point out spiritual gifts that I or the church have seen growing in the child. We are celebrating this child!
Why has it been working?
- The children feel the love of their church family.
- Each child now has at least one good-quality children's Bible storybook at home. Hopefully, this book will be a good option for some bedtime reading!
- The whole church has a chance to celebrate and value each child.
- Families who are new to church or on the "Messy Edges" of church have felt loved and welcome.
- Each child hears a clear, personal message of Jesus' love.
- There is an opportunity to identify spiritual gifts as the children grow.
- As a pastor, this is a good way to practice "pastoral care" for the children in our church. Most families are too busy for old-fashioned visits or find them awkward. At coffee hour, the kids are often running around and I tend to be busy with many things. The birthday books and cards mean that at least once each year, I am taking time personally for each child. As I wrap the gifts and write the cards, I am praying for the children. This practice of pastoral care helps pull together all the other moments with children throughout the year.
A Special Birthday and Baptism Song
Baptisms and Birthdays are special celebrations!
Every time that a child has a birthday, we sing this song:
On the day that Natalie was born
On the day that Natalie was born
On the day that Natalie was born
The angels sang and they blew on their horns
And they danced, they danced,
They smiled and raised up their hands
On the day that Natalie was born!
Yes, I definitely just put my own name in the song. :)
The song is by the artist Red Grammar. You can listen to it here.
This has been a birthday song at our church for a long time! When we sing "They smiled and raised up their hands", we raise up our hands and do the sign language for clapping. (Kind of like jazz hands!)
It would make a great song to sing at home. It could be sung at birthdays, or any day!
Recently, we've also begun singing the song at baptisms. (In our church, this is mostly children, but we would absolutely sing it for adults being baptized!)
At baptisms, we also always have cake. On birthdays, we give the gift of a children's Bible storybook.
We want to celebrate the kids in our church. We celebrate that God created them, that Jesus loves them, and that the Holy Spirit lives in them. We celebrate that the children are growing in height and also in faith. There is so much to celebrate!
How do you celebrate birthdays and baptisms? Please share in the comments!
Every time that a child has a birthday, we sing this song:
On the day that Natalie was born
On the day that Natalie was born
On the day that Natalie was born
The angels sang and they blew on their horns
And they danced, they danced,
They smiled and raised up their hands
On the day that Natalie was born!
Yes, I definitely just put my own name in the song. :)
The song is by the artist Red Grammar. You can listen to it here.
This has been a birthday song at our church for a long time! When we sing "They smiled and raised up their hands", we raise up our hands and do the sign language for clapping. (Kind of like jazz hands!)
It would make a great song to sing at home. It could be sung at birthdays, or any day!
Recently, we've also begun singing the song at baptisms. (In our church, this is mostly children, but we would absolutely sing it for adults being baptized!)
At baptisms, we also always have cake. On birthdays, we give the gift of a children's Bible storybook.
We want to celebrate the kids in our church. We celebrate that God created them, that Jesus loves them, and that the Holy Spirit lives in them. We celebrate that the children are growing in height and also in faith. There is so much to celebrate!
How do you celebrate birthdays and baptisms? Please share in the comments!
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Fun Bible Games for Littles
This Sunday, our church played a lot of games. We planned an outdoor worship service and a picnic. (You can find our songbook at During the worship service, we sang and we played games. Here are a few games that we loved!
Find the Lost Sheep
Before the kids arrived, I hid a fluffy lamb stuffed animal. We read a story that Jesus told about a lost sheep. After the story, I asked the kids to help me find the sheep. They loved it! We hid the sheep a few more times, just for fun.
Bonus: I asked a few of the littlest children if they could help take care of the lamb. They enjoyed playing with him for the rest of the service.
Jesus says...
This game works very much like "Simon Says", except with Jesus. If the leader says: "Jesus says, touch your toes." then you do it. But the leader can trick you by just saying "Touch your toes!" The kids enjoyed the movement break in the worship service.
I spy, with my little eye, something God made that is...
We read a children's book about how God created each person. (Matthew Paul Turner's "When God made you.) Then we took turns playing a version of "I spy".
"I spy, with my little eye, something God made that is green." (The trees!)
"I spy, with my little eye, something God made that is orange." (The campfire!)
"I spy, with my little eye, someone God made who has blond hair, a blue coat and pink rainboots." (One of the girls at church!)
I love that these games have a Christian message. At the same time, it is fun to play "just because"! At our church, our favourite after-church games are:
Photo Credit: Flickr User Tina D, "Lamb Plushie 2"
Find the Lost Sheep
Before the kids arrived, I hid a fluffy lamb stuffed animal. We read a story that Jesus told about a lost sheep. After the story, I asked the kids to help me find the sheep. They loved it! We hid the sheep a few more times, just for fun.
Bonus: I asked a few of the littlest children if they could help take care of the lamb. They enjoyed playing with him for the rest of the service.
Jesus says...
This game works very much like "Simon Says", except with Jesus. If the leader says: "Jesus says, touch your toes." then you do it. But the leader can trick you by just saying "Touch your toes!" The kids enjoyed the movement break in the worship service.
I spy, with my little eye, something God made that is...
We read a children's book about how God created each person. (Matthew Paul Turner's "When God made you.) Then we took turns playing a version of "I spy".
"I spy, with my little eye, something God made that is green." (The trees!)
"I spy, with my little eye, something God made that is orange." (The campfire!)
"I spy, with my little eye, someone God made who has blond hair, a blue coat and pink rainboots." (One of the girls at church!)
I love that these games have a Christian message. At the same time, it is fun to play "just because"! At our church, our favourite after-church games are:
- Bubbles!
- Hide-and-seek in the sanctuary. (A child who has hidden under the pews dozens of times after church is likely to see the sanctuary as a comfortable, familiar and interesting place.)
- Quelle heure est-il M. le Loup? (What time is it Mr. Wolf?)
- Running around outside.
- Visiting a park near the church.
These games are so much fun! We always ask parents' permission before any game that involves their child leaving their sight. (For example, hide and seek or playing outside.)
Campfire Song Book
This Sunday, our church worshipped outside. We chose songs that were friendly for all ages. Our songs were mostly from the hymnals "Voices United" and "More Voices".
The kids at our church really like songs with actions!
(To make a complete worship service, we prayed, read a story from the Bible and played Bible games. Here are a few that we loved:
(To make a complete worship service, we prayed, read a story from the Bible and played Bible games. Here are a few that we loved:
Camp Song Book
Jump for Joy (Every time you hear the word "jump", you jump.)
And I’ll jump for joy, I’ll singing Hallelujah!
Jump for joy for you!
I will jump for joy, I’m singing Hallelujah.
Jump for joy for you! Jump for joy for you!
Morning has broken
Morning has broken like the first morning
Blackbird has spoken like the first bird
Praise for the singing, praise for the morning
Praise for them springing fresh from the Word
Sweet the rain's new fall, sunlit from Heaven
Like the first dew fall on the first grass
Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden
Sprung in completeness where His feet pass
Blackbird has spoken like the first bird
Praise for the singing, praise for the morning
Praise for them springing fresh from the Word
Sweet the rain's new fall, sunlit from Heaven
Like the first dew fall on the first grass
Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden
Sprung in completeness where His feet pass
Ours is the sunlight
Ours is the morning
Born of the one light Eden saw play
Praise with elation, praise ev'ry morning
God's recreation of the new day
Ours is the morning
Born of the one light Eden saw play
Praise with elation, praise ev'ry morning
God's recreation of the new day
This Little Light of Mine
This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine! (3x)
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine!
Hide it under a bushel, no! I’m gonna let it shine! (3x)
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine!
Peace Like A River
(each verse x2)
I’ve got peace like a river,
I’ve got peace like a river,
I’ve got peace like a river,
in my soul.
I’ve got joy like a fountain,
I’ve got joy like a fountain,
I’ve got joy like a fountain
in my soul.
I’ve got love like an ocean,
I’ve got love like an ocean,
I’ve got love like an ocean,
in my soul.
It Only Takes a Spark
It only takes a spark, to get a fire going,
and soon all those around can warm up in its glowing:
that’s how it is with God’s love, once you’ve experienced it:
you want to share with everyone, you want to pass it on.
What wondrous time is spring when all the trees are budding, the birds begin to sing,
the flowers start their blooming:
that’s how it is with God’s love, once you’ve experienced it: you want to sing, it’s fresh like spring,
you want to pass it on.
I wish for you my friend, this happiness that I’ve found,
on God you can depend, it matters not where you’re bound; I’ll shout it from the mountaintop;
I want my world to know: the Lord of love has come to me, I want to pass it on.
Jésus m’aime
Jésus ai-me les petits,
c’est la Bible qui le dit,
tous les enfants sont à lui,
et je sais qu’il m’aime aussi!
Oui, Jésus m’ai-me, (3x)
la Bible me le dit.
Kumbaya, my Lord, Kumbaya. (3x)
O Lord, kumbaya.
Someone’s praying, Lord, Kumbaya (3x)
O Lord, kumbaya.
He’s Got the Whole World
He’s got the world world, in his hands (4x)
He’s got the little bitty baby, in his hands (3x)
He’s got the whole world in his hands.
He’s got you and me sister, in his hands,
He’s got you and me, brother, in his hands,
He’s got you and me, sister, in his hands,
He’s got the whole world in his hands.
He’s got everybody here, in his hands (3x)
He’s got the whole world in his hands!
When you walk from here
When you walk from here,
When you walk from here,
Walk with justice, Walk with mercy,
And with God’s humble care.
Wednesday, September 4, 2019
Une banderole en français!
Je me souviens: J'ai six ans et c'est le dimanche matin. Je suis à l'église avec ma famille. Les enfants doivent rester dans le sanctuaire pendant 15 minutes avant d'aller à l'École du dimanche. Ces 15 minutes me semblent interminables. Je regarde pour voir les autres enfants. J'écoute les cantiques chantés par les paroissiens. Je vois le ventilateur et comment il tourne en rond. Comment ça se fait qu'il ne tombe pas? Je regarde la croix et le vitrail. Qu'est-ce que ça signifie?
En tant qu'adulte et en tant que pasteure, je sais que les enfants peuvent écouter et suivre ce qui se passe dans la célébration liturgique. Les enfants peuvent prier et chanter. Ils peuvent écouter les récits de la Bible. Pourtant, les enfants vont parfois perdre leur concentration. Ce n'est pas une mauvaise chose!
Au séminaire, un professeur m'a dit: "Les adultes qui écoutent tes prédictions vont vouloir se concentrer sur ce que tu dis. Pourtant, ils vont parfois perdre leur concentration. C'est bien, ça! L'Esprit-Saint travaille non seulement dans tes paroles, mais aussi dans les réflexions des paroissiens."
Les enfants vont prier, chanter et écouter à l'église. Ils vont aussi rêver, jouer et penser.
Quand les enfants (et les adultes) se perdent dans leurs propres rêves et réflexions, qu'est-ce qu'ils vont voir dans le sanctuaire?
Dans notre paroisse, le groupe de courte-pointe a créé une banderole magnifique! C'est une banderole pour célébrer la Sainte-Cène.
J'espère que, pendant les prédications et les lectures de la Bible, les enfants et les adultes de notre paroisse perdent leur concentration. J'espère qu'ils rêvent un peu. J'espère qu'ils se demandent: Qu'est-ce que ça signifie, la coupe en or, le blé, le pain, les raisins? Qu'est-ce que ça signifie: "Je suis le pain de la vie?"
J'espère également que les paroissiens et les visiteurs qui voient la banderole sachent que le français est important dans cette paroisse. C'est la première fois qu'on a une banderole en français.
En tant qu'adulte et en tant que pasteure, je sais que les enfants peuvent écouter et suivre ce qui se passe dans la célébration liturgique. Les enfants peuvent prier et chanter. Ils peuvent écouter les récits de la Bible. Pourtant, les enfants vont parfois perdre leur concentration. Ce n'est pas une mauvaise chose!
Au séminaire, un professeur m'a dit: "Les adultes qui écoutent tes prédictions vont vouloir se concentrer sur ce que tu dis. Pourtant, ils vont parfois perdre leur concentration. C'est bien, ça! L'Esprit-Saint travaille non seulement dans tes paroles, mais aussi dans les réflexions des paroissiens."
Les enfants vont prier, chanter et écouter à l'église. Ils vont aussi rêver, jouer et penser.
Quand les enfants (et les adultes) se perdent dans leurs propres rêves et réflexions, qu'est-ce qu'ils vont voir dans le sanctuaire?
Dans notre paroisse, le groupe de courte-pointe a créé une banderole magnifique! C'est une banderole pour célébrer la Sainte-Cène.
J'espère que, pendant les prédications et les lectures de la Bible, les enfants et les adultes de notre paroisse perdent leur concentration. J'espère qu'ils rêvent un peu. J'espère qu'ils se demandent: Qu'est-ce que ça signifie, la coupe en or, le blé, le pain, les raisins? Qu'est-ce que ça signifie: "Je suis le pain de la vie?"
J'espère également que les paroissiens et les visiteurs qui voient la banderole sachent que le français est important dans cette paroisse. C'est la première fois qu'on a une banderole en français.
Merci au groupe de courte-pointe d'avoir créé cette banderole!
Monday, September 2, 2019
L'importance des meilleurs livres...à l'église!
Près de l'entrée de notre église, il y a une bibliothèque avec des livres pour enfants. Les enfants qui sont en l'église pour la célébration liturgique (la messe) ou un autre événement peuvent lire les livres. On peut également emprunter les livres pour les lire à la maison.
Je sais qu'on lit les livres parce que je les trouve souvent en désordre.
Il y a quelques ans, la bibliothèque n'était pas si jolie. Elle avait quelques livres pour enfants, avec des vieux dépliants et quelques mouches mortes. Parmi les livres, il y avait plusieurs Bibles pour enfants qui étaient assez veilles. L'une d'entre elles venait des années 1950 et avait un dessein d'une explosion nucléaire pour illustrer l'Apocalypse! Les livres n'étaient pas très jolis ni attirants. Tous les livres étaient en anglais avec des personnages blancs.
Au cours d'un an, nous avons renouvelé la bibliothèque. Nous avons nettoyé la bibliothèque et nous avons jeté les vieux livres et les dépliants. Nous avons acheté de nouveaux livres, comme...
En achetant des nouveaux livres, nous avons choisi des livres qui sont...
1. De bonne qualité. Nous voulons offrir aux enfants des livres qui sont attirants et un plaisir à lire. Les enfants et la Bible sont importants dans notre paroisse. C'est ainsi essentiel d'avoir des histoires de la Bible de bonne qualité. Ce sont des livres qui sont bien écrits, avec des illustrations intéressantes. Nous recherchons aussi une théologie qui est chrétienne et qui est appropriée dans notre paroisse.
2. En anglais et en français. Notre paroisse est anglophone, mais on parle français de plus en plus souvent. La plupart des enfants dans la paroisse sont bilingues.
3. Avec de la diversité. Le message chrétien est pour le monde entier. L'Esprit Saint habite dans des hommes comme des femmes, des enfants comme des adultes, des personnes racisées ou non. C'est pourquoi on recherche de la diversité dans nos livres.
Qui sont les lecteurs et les lectrices des livres?
1. Les enfants qui assistent à la célébration liturgique (ou "la messe"). Les enfants lisent les livres avec leurs familles en attendant le commencement de la célébration, ainsi que quand ils s'ennuient. Parfois, leurs parents empruntent un livre pour le lire avec leurs petits à la maison. Les livres aident à la formation dans la foi.
2. Les enfants qui sont en l'église pour d'autres événements. Les livres sont lus par des enfants qui sont en l'église pour un spectacle ou qui attendent que les leçons de violon de leurs soeurs soient enfin terminées. Les livres sont de l'évangélisme pour les enfants qui n'ont jamais entendu parler de l'amour divin.
3. Les petits-enfants des paroissiens. Parfois, un paroissien ou une paroissienne emprunte un livre pour le lire avec un petit-enfant, un ami ou un voisin.
La bibliothèque est une méthode de communication. Elle dit: Les enfants sont importants dans notre paroisse. La Bible est importante dans notre paroisse. L'éducation est importante dans notre paroisse. Le bilinguisme et la diversité sont importants dans notre paroisse.
Book of the Week: "Found: Psalm 23"
Title: "Found: Psalm 23"
Author: Sally Lloyd-Jones
Illustrator: Jago
What does it look like outside?
What do I like about it?
Psalms can be tricky for children. Even as a grown-up, I find that psalms can be hard to understand. This book captures the heart and message of psalm 23. It uses very simple words and pictures to share the message.
The words are beautiful. ("Inside, my heart is very quiet. As quiet as lying still in soft green grass in a meadow by a little stream.")
The pictures are equally beautiful and speak for themselves. We see the shepherd holding the lamb, who is peaceful. The picture of the dark valley is cold and full of rain. The next picture is so full of light and love as the lamb is rescued. A pre-reader could follow a lot of the story on her own.
This is a concise and powerful book, good for sharing at church or home. It could be a good first memory verse.
Young children often struggle to understand metaphor. I think that this one is presented very simply. Even if a child does not understand the whole metaphor, the book would still have a valuable message of God's love.
My version is a board book, which makes it perfect for even the smallest hands.
Are there any drawbacks?
Where can it be purchased?
It is available at most Christian and secular bookstores.
At Chapters (in Canada):
Author: Sally Lloyd-Jones
Illustrator: Jago
What does it look like outside?
What does it look like inside?
Psalms can be tricky for children. Even as a grown-up, I find that psalms can be hard to understand. This book captures the heart and message of psalm 23. It uses very simple words and pictures to share the message.
The words are beautiful. ("Inside, my heart is very quiet. As quiet as lying still in soft green grass in a meadow by a little stream.")
The pictures are equally beautiful and speak for themselves. We see the shepherd holding the lamb, who is peaceful. The picture of the dark valley is cold and full of rain. The next picture is so full of light and love as the lamb is rescued. A pre-reader could follow a lot of the story on her own.
This is a concise and powerful book, good for sharing at church or home. It could be a good first memory verse.
Young children often struggle to understand metaphor. I think that this one is presented very simply. Even if a child does not understand the whole metaphor, the book would still have a valuable message of God's love.
My version is a board book, which makes it perfect for even the smallest hands.
Are there any drawbacks?
Where can it be purchased?
It is available at most Christian and secular bookstores.
At Chapters (in Canada):
Book of the Week: "God's Dream"
Title: "God's Dream"
Authors: Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Douglas Carlton Abrams
What do I like about it?
I am always wary of children's books which talk about "being good." On the bright side, this book very clearly talks about forgiveness and how God loves us even when we do wrong. I wish that the book had talked a little more about grace and about how God's dream is not something we can "achieve" on our own. But maybe I'm asking too much of a picture book!
The book is very respectful of other religions - which is not a drawback but a plus! However, as a Christian, I would have appreciated if this book were a little more specific: How does Jesus fit into God's dream?
I would definitely recommend this book in any case!
Authors: Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Douglas Carlton Abrams
Illustrator: LeUyen Pham
What do I like about it?
The word "dream" has been chosen to talk about God's vision and hopes for the world. This is very similar to the theology of the Kingdom of God. I like the repetition of "God dreams..." at the beginning of each page.
The illustrations and beautiful and tell interesting stories. The children featured in the illustrations are diverse.
The book gives concrete and simple ways in which children can love others and God, living out God's dream.
The book is simple and easy to read at church or home.
The illustrations and beautiful and tell interesting stories. The children featured in the illustrations are diverse.
The book gives concrete and simple ways in which children can love others and God, living out God's dream.
The book is simple and easy to read at church or home.
Are there any drawbacks?
I am always wary of children's books which talk about "being good." On the bright side, this book very clearly talks about forgiveness and how God loves us even when we do wrong. I wish that the book had talked a little more about grace and about how God's dream is not something we can "achieve" on our own. But maybe I'm asking too much of a picture book!
The book is very respectful of other religions - which is not a drawback but a plus! However, as a Christian, I would have appreciated if this book were a little more specific: How does Jesus fit into God's dream?
I would definitely recommend this book in any case!
Where can it be purchased?
It is widely available at Christian and secular bookstores.
At Chapters (in Canada):
You can hear the book read here:
It is widely available at Christian and secular bookstores.
At Chapters (in Canada):
You can hear the book read here:
Book of the Week: "When I Pray for You"
Title: "When I Pray for You"
Author: Matthew Paul Turner
Illustrator: Kimberly Barnes
What does it look like outside?
I often hear the questions "What is prayer?" and "How do I pray?". I like that this book models what it means to pray.
We recently read it at church, where it was a big hit. I was surprised that this book was meaningful to adults as well as children. Many of the adults at church had tears in their eyes by the end of the book. A few asked to borrow the book, to share with their (young or grown) children or grandchildren. They wanted to show their children what it meant that they were praying for them, and how much they loved them.
This book could be read at home with even the youngest children. The book gives words to tell children about how they are surrounded by unconditional love. If you are a parent who wants to begin praying for your children, but you're not quite sure how, you could read this book to them as a prayer.
The illustrations are colourful and fun.
There is a great book trailer here:
Are there any drawbacks?
None for me!
Where can it be purchased?
Author: Matthew Paul Turner
Illustrator: Kimberly Barnes
What does it look like outside?
What does it look like inside?
What do I like about it?
I often hear the questions "What is prayer?" and "How do I pray?". I like that this book models what it means to pray.
We recently read it at church, where it was a big hit. I was surprised that this book was meaningful to adults as well as children. Many of the adults at church had tears in their eyes by the end of the book. A few asked to borrow the book, to share with their (young or grown) children or grandchildren. They wanted to show their children what it meant that they were praying for them, and how much they loved them.
This book could be read at home with even the youngest children. The book gives words to tell children about how they are surrounded by unconditional love. If you are a parent who wants to begin praying for your children, but you're not quite sure how, you could read this book to them as a prayer.
The illustrations are colourful and fun.
There is a great book trailer here:
Are there any drawbacks?
None for me!
Where can it be purchased?
This book is widely available at Christian and secular bookstores.
At Chapters (in Canada):
At Chapters (in Canada):
Book of the Week: "Children of God Storybook Bible"
Title: "Children of God Storybook Bible"
Author: Archbishop Desmond Tutu
Illustrator: 20 artists from around the world
What does it look like outside? (My cover is one version - there are also other versions.)
What does it look like inside?
What do I like about it?
This book is simple in the best way. The stories are short enough for wiggly children, while still giving enough details. The words are evocative and creative. The stories are told in a way that is simple without being babyish. The writing style is respectful of children.
The illustrations are beautiful. They were created by artists around the world, with a different and interesting piece of art on each page. The characters in the illustrations are in many different skin tones.
This is a good introduction to the stories of the Bible and the stories of Jesus. It would be suitable for reading at church or home. The book clearly tells a story of how each child is a beloved child of God.
Are there any drawbacks?
I wish there were a sequel with more stories!
Where can it be purchased?
It is available at many Christian or large bookstores.
At Chapters (Canada):
Author: Archbishop Desmond Tutu
Illustrator: 20 artists from around the world
What does it look like outside? (My cover is one version - there are also other versions.)
What does it look like inside?
What do I like about it?
This book is simple in the best way. The stories are short enough for wiggly children, while still giving enough details. The words are evocative and creative. The stories are told in a way that is simple without being babyish. The writing style is respectful of children.
The illustrations are beautiful. They were created by artists around the world, with a different and interesting piece of art on each page. The characters in the illustrations are in many different skin tones.
This is a good introduction to the stories of the Bible and the stories of Jesus. It would be suitable for reading at church or home. The book clearly tells a story of how each child is a beloved child of God.
Are there any drawbacks?
I wish there were a sequel with more stories!
Where can it be purchased?
It is available at many Christian or large bookstores.
At Chapters (Canada):
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