Monday, September 2, 2019

Book of the Week: "God's Dream"

Title: "God's Dream"

Authors: Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Douglas Carlton Abrams

Illustrator: LeUyen Pham

What does it look like outside?
What does it look like inside?

What do I like about it?

The word "dream" has been chosen to talk about God's vision and hopes for the world. This is very similar to the theology of the Kingdom of God. I like the repetition of "God dreams..." at the beginning of each page.

The illustrations and beautiful and tell interesting stories. The children featured in the illustrations are diverse.

The book gives concrete and simple ways in which children can love others and God, living out God's dream.

The book is simple and easy to read at church or home.

Are there any drawbacks?

I am always wary of children's books which talk about "being good." On the bright side, this book very clearly talks about forgiveness and how God loves us even when we do wrong. I wish that the book had talked a little more about grace and about how God's dream is not something we can "achieve" on our own. But maybe I'm asking too much of a picture book!

The book is very respectful of other religions - which is not a drawback but a plus! However, as a Christian, I would have appreciated if this book were a little more specific: How does Jesus fit into God's dream?

I would definitely recommend this book in any case!

Where can it be purchased?

It is widely available at Christian and secular bookstores.

At Chapters (in Canada):

You can hear the book read here:

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