Monday, September 2, 2019

Book of the Week: "When I Pray for You"

Title: "When I Pray for You"

Author: Matthew Paul Turner

Illustrator: Kimberly Barnes

What does it look like outside?

What does it look like inside?
What do I like about it?

I often hear the questions "What is prayer?" and "How do I pray?". I like that this book models what it means to pray.

We recently read it at church, where it was a big hit. I was surprised that this book was meaningful to adults as well as children. Many of the adults at church had tears in their eyes by the end of the book. A few asked to borrow the book, to share with their (young or grown) children or grandchildren. They wanted to show their children what it meant that they were praying for them, and how much they loved them.

This book could be read at home with even the youngest children. The book gives words to tell children about how they are surrounded by unconditional love. If you are a parent who wants to begin praying for your children, but you're not quite sure how, you could read this book to them as a prayer.

The illustrations are colourful and fun.

There is a great book trailer here:

Are there any drawbacks?

None for me!

Where can it be purchased?

This book is widely available at Christian and secular bookstores.

At Chapters (in Canada):

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