Monday, September 9, 2019

A Special Birthday and Baptism Song

Baptisms and Birthdays are special celebrations!

Every time that a child has a birthday, we sing this song:

On the day that Natalie was born
On the day that Natalie was born
On the day that Natalie was born
The angels sang and they blew on their horns
And they danced, they danced, 
They smiled and raised up their hands
On the day that Natalie was born!

Yes, I definitely just put my own name in the song. :)

The song is by the artist Red Grammar. You can listen to it here.

This has been a birthday song at our church for a long time! When we sing "They smiled and raised up their hands", we raise up our hands and do the sign language for clapping. (Kind of like jazz hands!)

It would make a great song to sing at home. It could be sung at birthdays, or any day!

Recently, we've also begun singing the song at baptisms. (In our church, this is mostly children, but we would absolutely sing it for adults being baptized!)

At baptisms, we also always have cake. On birthdays, we give the gift of a children's Bible storybook.

We want to celebrate the kids in our church. We celebrate that God created them, that Jesus loves them, and that the Holy Spirit lives in them. We celebrate that the children are growing in height and also in faith. There is so much to celebrate!

How do you celebrate birthdays and baptisms? Please share in the comments!

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