Thursday, September 26, 2019

A Play Area

For a couple of years now, I've been looking at beautiful photos of children's church spaces. Many churches have set aside space in the sanctuary for children. This allows children to follow the worship service, but also to quietly play together.

When I thought about creating one of these areas, I felt overwhelmed. It looked really hard! This summer, I finally did get a start in it. It was much easier than it looked.

These are the things I added...

1. We started with colouring clipboards and some faith-based books. These were simple, faith based activities.

2. There were some gorgeous stickers at the dollar store. They were added to the space!

3. I saw some duplo (safe for little hands) and a wooden car at Value Village.

4. The duplo was really loud on the hard wood floor. I found a bright mat to make it a quiet activity. Bonus - the space looked more appealing and it was comfier for the kids.

5. Jesus The Sheep came to live in the space.

I wish that I had tried this years ago! Our children's space is not fancy, but it is working very well. The children love it.

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