Sunday, December 1, 2019

Book of the Week: A Church for All

Title: A Church for All

Author: Gayle E Pitman

Illustrator: Laure Fournier

What does it look like outside?

What does it look like inside?

What is it about?

It is Sunday morning, and families of all kinds are coming to church. The book talks about the many ways people are different, and about how all of us are are an important part of the Church. 

We read this book at church and it was interesting to see how the kids interpreted it in different ways according to their experiences and ages.

What do I like about it?

At the most basic: It is a picture book about inclusion of people all across the LGBTQ2SIA+ spectrum! This already makes it an amazing book.

I loved the simple words about how all of us are welcome. I also loved the pictures, which have all of these little hidden gems. (Like the baby with jam on her face!)

I loved the way that it highlights how all of us are welcome at church. It doesn't matter if we are differently abled, or over-dressed, or a bit messy, or our kids are super loud. We are all welcome!

At the risk of offering book purists: We didn't need the dust jacket, so I cut out the picture from its front. It is now decorating my office door.

The book is going to have a prominent place in our bookshelf as one way of saying "Welcome!" to all kinds of families who visit our church.

Are there any drawbacks?

Nope! I only wish that this author and illustrator would team up for another book.

Where can it be purchased?

And more...

The dust jacket of the book had some wonderful pictures. I cut the front and back of the dust jacket to  post on my office door. I hope that these decorations will help communicate to all people that they are welcome in the church.

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