Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Livre de la semaine: "Coloriages de Pâques, Des Rameaux à la Pentecôte"

Titre: Coloriages de Pâques, Des Rameaux à la Pentecôte

Auteur: Maïte Roche

Illustrateur: Maïte Roche

Voici l'extérieur du livre...

Voici l'intérieur du livre...

À propos du livre...

Ce livre commence avec le récit des Rameaux. Ensuite, nous voyageons avec Jésus et ses disciples pour la Semaine Sainte et Pâques, jusqu'à la Pentecôte.

Nous utilisons ce livre dans notre paroisse pour les coloriages des enfants pendant le culte. Nous allons commencer ces coloriages pour le Carême. On pourrait aussi colorier les pages à la maison en famille. Ce serait une bonne façon de raconter des histoires et commencer une discussion.

Qu'est-ce que j'aime dans le livre?

J'adore les images de Maïte Roche!

Est-ce qu'il y a des choses que je n'aime pas?


Où est-ce qu'on peut l'acheter? 



Book of the Week: "Make Room: A Child's Guide to Lent and Easter"

Title: Make Room: A Child's Guide to Lent and Easter

Author: Laura Alary

Illustrator: Ann Boyajian

What does it look like outside?

What does it look like inside?

About the book...

The book follows the church's rhythms of Lent and Easter. We learn about personal practices like prayer and sharing, as well as communal practices like Holy Week worship services.

The book also follows the stories of Jesus most often told during Lent, Holy Week and Easter.

An important theme is "making space" and "getting ready" for Easter. We will be reading a little of the book at church every week, and participating in a few of the practices the book suggests (like eating pretzels and collecting food for the local food bank.)

What do I like about it?

The words and illustrations feel peaceful and calming. They fit the mood of Lent well. The book is written clearly. This is particularly helpful for seasons of the church year which are hard for us to understand. The book provides important teaching to children and adults.

Personally, I struggle with what feels like a lot of expectations in Lent. We will go to all the services!  We will participate in a study group. We will read a devotional. We will do extra Easter crafts. We will have a more vibrant prayer life. I love that Make Room gives ideas for concrete practices and rhythms for Lent, while still keeping it simple.

Are there any drawbacks?


Where can it be purchased?



Book of the Week: "Christmas in the Barn"

Title: Christmas in the Barn

Author: Margaret Wise Brown

Illustrator: Diane Goode

What does it look like outside?

What does it look like inside?

About the book...

This is a telling of the Christmas story for young children.

The pictures are bright and warm. They show a scene that looks like rural North America. (Red barns, snow...) This will fit with what most kids from the Global North know about barns. 

The story is told in rhyme. There are a few pages about animals and their sounds, which will be interesting for many young children.

What do I like about it?

I like that it is really easy for young children to understand. I also like the rhyme and poetry of the words. The warmth of the illustrations is lovely in a time when for me the world is very cold. The animals are interesting. I think that this is a good, simple telling of the Christmas story.

The story asks lots of questions, which makes it a good story to spark conversations.

It is good for reading in worship or at home.

Are there any drawbacks?

The story changes the cultural context of the Christmas story to rural North America. I think that this is a wonderful choice for young children who live in the Global North, since it will help them relate to the story.

I am less sure that the story would work well in the Global South.

Where can it be purchased?

This book was published in the 1950s and has been widely read. If you ask friends or at church, you might be able to borrow a copy.

